
The definition of death "Death is the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a particular living organism."
That sounds so final and yet I know for sure our Spirit or soul continues on.
When we die our Spirit leaves our body. The etheric cord snaps and the body dies. Our Spirit is immediately aware of the transition. There is a feeling is disorientation. This is caused by the absence of gravity and the absence of a body that is controlled by gravity. This sensation doesn't last long and we become aware of other Spirits around us. There is at least one Spirit on the other side who is there to receive our Spirit as we are once again incorporated into our true state of being and our true environment.
We become re-incorporated into the divine state of being. We then begin going over our life and doing something similar to a reconciliation of our life and life lessons. Once that has been completed we have many choices as to what we can do. Some Spirits stay around their loved ones and continue to look over them until their life cycle is over. Other Spirits work in different areas such as teachers or Spirit Guides. Some Spirits want to reincarnate quickly so they work on that.
When people have passed and they come through in a reading they can always tell what happens at their funeral, or they know things that have happened long after they died. Our loved ones are very attached to us after they leave us. They have a greater understanding of everything when they are on the other side and always admit the shortcomings in their life when they come through in readings.
Life happens in cycles of 3. The conception of the birth, the actual birth of the Spirit into the life time and the birth of the Spirit back into the divine state of being.
My Spirit guide showed me a vision that I will share with you. Imagine a container of mercury. You can tip the container and some of the mercury will separate from the whole and become individual pieces. But when you tip the container back all of the pieces go back and become part of the whole again without any evidence of separation. That's what it is like when our souls leave God and come into the physical and then goes back to God.
Please remember, when you lose someone that you love, they do not go away, they just go ahead.
God Bless.
That sounds so final and yet I know for sure our Spirit or soul continues on.
When we die our Spirit leaves our body. The etheric cord snaps and the body dies. Our Spirit is immediately aware of the transition. There is a feeling is disorientation. This is caused by the absence of gravity and the absence of a body that is controlled by gravity. This sensation doesn't last long and we become aware of other Spirits around us. There is at least one Spirit on the other side who is there to receive our Spirit as we are once again incorporated into our true state of being and our true environment.
We become re-incorporated into the divine state of being. We then begin going over our life and doing something similar to a reconciliation of our life and life lessons. Once that has been completed we have many choices as to what we can do. Some Spirits stay around their loved ones and continue to look over them until their life cycle is over. Other Spirits work in different areas such as teachers or Spirit Guides. Some Spirits want to reincarnate quickly so they work on that.
When people have passed and they come through in a reading they can always tell what happens at their funeral, or they know things that have happened long after they died. Our loved ones are very attached to us after they leave us. They have a greater understanding of everything when they are on the other side and always admit the shortcomings in their life when they come through in readings.
Life happens in cycles of 3. The conception of the birth, the actual birth of the Spirit into the life time and the birth of the Spirit back into the divine state of being.
My Spirit guide showed me a vision that I will share with you. Imagine a container of mercury. You can tip the container and some of the mercury will separate from the whole and become individual pieces. But when you tip the container back all of the pieces go back and become part of the whole again without any evidence of separation. That's what it is like when our souls leave God and come into the physical and then goes back to God.
Please remember, when you lose someone that you love, they do not go away, they just go ahead.
God Bless.