My Job
I was previously reading part time at the Purple Rose in Cassadaga, FL and now I only do readings and other services on a private basis. My job is to help you not only connect with your loved ones who have crossed over, but help you to heal from the emotional difficulties of that crossing.
We know things in our life by how they feel to us. Every energy feels different in it's own way. When that feeling is removed from our lives it leaves a huge hole or void. Nothing will ever replace the unique energy that once filled that space in us so we are left feeling empty or robbed of that part of ourselves. My job is to allow you to know that particular energy is still there, it just exists in a different way but it still feels the same.
I believe anyone who does this type of work has a great accountability to God when they cross. It is very important to understand this and have great respect for the work.
Every reading that I do uses a special type of energy which I call soul energy. We have mental energy, physical energy and soul energy. Soul energy has it's own well within you and can be depleted. Recharging or replenishing the energy in the well is essential for life. It is that well within us that is depleted when we lose a loved one. Prayer, meditation, love and so on are the activities that replenish the well energy.
There exists a trilogy within each one of us Mind, Body and Spirit. We educate and strengthen our minds. We exercise and strengthen our body. We aluminate and strengthen our Spirits. We have to spend equal time strengthening each one or one will be lacking causing an imbalance within.
We each have the ability to communicate in this way. A baby isn't born talking, they have to be taught. This type of communication is no different.
We know things in our life by how they feel to us. Every energy feels different in it's own way. When that feeling is removed from our lives it leaves a huge hole or void. Nothing will ever replace the unique energy that once filled that space in us so we are left feeling empty or robbed of that part of ourselves. My job is to allow you to know that particular energy is still there, it just exists in a different way but it still feels the same.
I believe anyone who does this type of work has a great accountability to God when they cross. It is very important to understand this and have great respect for the work.
Every reading that I do uses a special type of energy which I call soul energy. We have mental energy, physical energy and soul energy. Soul energy has it's own well within you and can be depleted. Recharging or replenishing the energy in the well is essential for life. It is that well within us that is depleted when we lose a loved one. Prayer, meditation, love and so on are the activities that replenish the well energy.
There exists a trilogy within each one of us Mind, Body and Spirit. We educate and strengthen our minds. We exercise and strengthen our body. We aluminate and strengthen our Spirits. We have to spend equal time strengthening each one or one will be lacking causing an imbalance within.
We each have the ability to communicate in this way. A baby isn't born talking, they have to be taught. This type of communication is no different.